The average house price on MONEYBURY HILL is £1,278,570
The most expensive house in the street is MONEYBURY COTTAGE MONEYBURY HILL with an estimated value of £1,660,471
The cheapest house in the street is RANGERS COTTAGE MONEYBURY HILL with an estimated value of £528,227
The house which was most recently sold was MONEYBURY COTTAGE MONEYBURY HILL, this sold on 15 Apr 2020 for £1,342,700
The postcode for MONEYBURY HILL is HP4 1LX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
MONEYBURY COTTAGE MONEYBURY HILL Detached , 193 m2 £1,660,471 £1,342,700 15 Apr 2020
RANGERS COTTAGE MONEYBURY HILL Detached , 90 m2 £528,227 £310,000 18 Dec 2012
TIMS SPRINGS MONEYBURY HILL Detached £1,647,014 £330,000 22 Oct 1997